Unité spécialisée

Sustainability, the company's other value driver

The concept of sustainability has evolved beyond traditional environmental concerns to encompass ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) principles. These three pillars guide business decision-making, considering environmental, social impact and the quality of corporate governance.

Social demand and regulations such as Law 11/2018 drive the adoption of ESG criteria, with reporting obligations on the rise. The identification, management and measurement of ESG criteria within their organisations, as well as the adoption of medium-long term commitments, gives companies a decisive competitive advantage for their profitability and market positioning.

Good management of these so-called environmental, social and corporate governance "intangibles" by professionals is of the utmost importance for the generation of business, employee loyalty and obtaining greater financing.


Our services

Legal advice on corporate sustainability issues

Diagnosis, integration and assurance of ESG factors in corporate policies

Équipe du ESG

9 professionnels

Alejandra Augustin Tejón

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Alejandra Augustin Tejón

Associé. Département Droit du Travail et de l'Emploi

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Carmen Flores Hernández

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Carmen Flores Hernández

Partenaire. Droit commercial et des sociétés

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César Zárate Gómez

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César Zárate Gómez

Associé. Responsable de la Zone de Conformité

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Claudia Sanchiz Buenestado

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Claudia Sanchiz Buenestado

Principal Associé

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Iván Matamoros Mullor

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Iván Matamoros Mullor

Partenaire. Contentieux pénal

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Marta Guzmán Quilón

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Marta Guzmán Quilón

Principal Associé

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Miguel Valdés Borruey

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Miguel Valdés Borruey

Partenaire. Responsable du domaine de pratique droit numérique et propriété intellectuelle

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Óscar Marí Prats

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Óscar Marí Prats

Senior Avocat

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Sofía Collado Martínez

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Sofía Collado Martínez


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