

  • c/ Juana de Vega, 2. 8º. 15003 A Coruña
  • (+34) 881 591 500
  • Avda. Diagonal 407, entresuelo 2ª. 08008 Barcelona
  • (+34) 93 414 69 29
  • Avda. del Brillante, 38. 14012 Córdoba
  • (+34) 957 486 446
  • c/ Goya, 15. 1º p (esq. calle Serrano) 28001 Madrid
  • (+34) 915 341 480
  • 201 Alhambra Cir Suite 1050, Coral Gables, FL 33134, Estados Unidos
  • +1 305-735-6565
  • Rua Castilho, nº 13D, 1ºB. 1250-066 Lisboa (Portugal)
  • (+35) 121 352 81 33
  • Avd. de la Palmera, 19B. Planta 3. Oficina 1. 41013 Sevilla
  • (+34) 955 361 177
  • Calle Colón, 1. Planta 7ª. 46004 Valencia
  • (+34) 963 910 539
  • Rúa de Urzáiz, 33. 8ºc. 36201 Vigo, PO
  • (+34) 986 26 33 05
  • c/ San Ignacio de Loyola, 3. 3º C. 50008 Zaragoza
  • (+34) 976 21 95 88


EJASO is the best ally to attend both investments in Latin America from Spain and as a gateway to Europe.

EJASO has an international vocation that extends to the main economies of the world.

EJASO is the foremost ally for managing investments, whether it's in France from Spain or as a gateway to Europe.