José Ignacio is a lawyer in the Commercial Law Department at the Madrid headquarters. He joined the firm in 2011.
He is currently the firm’s senior commercial lawyer.
He specialises in start-ups and is head of the eSports area AT Ejaso ETL Global.
Academic background
Qualified in Law at the University of Navarre (2020), Diploma in Foral Law, University of Navarre (2010).
University Master’s Degree in Business Law, Universidad Antonio de Nebrija and Award for the Best Academic Record (2010-2011) on the University Master’s Degree at the Universidad Antonio de Nebrija and award for the best Academic Record (2010-2011) of the Master’s Degree Programme, Universidad Antonio de Nebrija.
Complementary training
(2017) Effective drafting of Contractual Guarantees – International Faculty for Executives (IFAES).
(2016) Finance for non-financiers – Fundación de Estudios Financieros (FEF).
(2015) Changes to Equity Capital Companies. Corporate reorganisation. Bar Association of Madrid (ICAM).
Teaching experience
(2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018) Business Incubator Network, Madrid City Council, on Shareholders’ Agreement.
(2018) Explorer “Young people with ideas” (formerly YUZZ) on Legal Entrepreneurship.
(2018) Torrejón de Ardoz City Council (“Torrejón Emprende”) on Shareholders’ Agreement.
Author of numerous legal articles and media appearance.
Spanish, English, French
Experience in social and solidarity cooperation
OXFAM Trailwalker – 100 KM solidarity walk against poverty.
Legal training in entrepreneurship at City Councils in the Community of Madrid.