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José Ángel Castillo Cano Cortés

Partners • Córdoba

José Ángel Castillo Cano Cortés


José Ángel Castillo Cano Cortés

Partner. Co-director of the Public Law Department and of the Córdoba office. Magistrate-Judge on leave of absence

Areas of work and specialization

Professional Experience

Magistrate on leave. Professional associate. Manager of the Public Law Department.

Academic background

  • Magistrate on leave.
  • (2008-2009) AD-1 San Telmo International Institute.
  • (1997-98) Specialist in Community Law, University of Málaga (School of Law and General Committee of Judicial Power) course.
  • (1987) Qualified in Law, University of Córdoba.

Teaching experience

Lecturer, Master’s Degree in the Legal Profession. University of Córdoba and Bar Association of Córdoba.

